ArtScience Museum

Going to visit the ArtScience museum with L

PS: it is so obvious at my eyebrow area. The original shape of my eyebrow has been reshaped and moved down and it can be seen. Any idea how to conceal it so that it won't be so obvious? I already use concealer but 😫

My fav view of all time😍

Having lunch at ippudo



Future World

Lucky I bought tickets online and it saved a lot of time. Last time we went and we saw the queue… 🤦🏼‍♀️

When we arrive at 1pm, there wasn't any queue (quite weird cause it is a public holiday and usually public holiday, it would be flooded with people and tourists)

This features crows rendering in light, that fly around the space leaving trails of light in their path. Chasing after one another, the crows collide this creating colourful flowers in their wake.

They represent the Yatagarasu, a three-legged crow which is believed to be the embodiment of the Sun in Japanese mythology.

The formation of the flowers are the result from the crow's collisions alludes to the genesis of life from the Sun's energy.

Black wave depicts the sea in the style of traditional Japanese painting. In the Japanese tradition, oceans, rivers and bodies of water are often represented as a series of curvilinear lines.

The movement of these lines create the impression that water itself is real.

Admiring ~

The Fruit Field is a playful and colourful interactive artwork designed for children. The children represent the sunlight, as they slide down from the slope, their energy are transferred to the fruit field causing the flowers and fruit to bloom.

Connecting train block let us design our transport network by using the Physical wooden blocks to connect to roads, river, etc so that the traffic can move smoothly and faster

Media block chair – they are charging in progress.


A glowing colourful chair for L.

When they are stack together, they give this certain Colour but when we remove 1 of the block, it become another Colour.

Sketch town (Singapore) ~

We have to use crayons to Colour those pre drawn building, a car, or a plane for Sketch Town.

First time seeing L so serious in colouring😂

Our UFO🤣

Once we are done colouring, we have to place in a digital scanner to become a 3D animated object when they enter the town.

We can physically interact with the town by touching the UFO and it will speed up, or change direction.

The little people are a community of miniature characters projected onto a table. When left alone, the little people move around their environment, walking, jumping, sliding, hopping and generally paying little attention to the world outside. But when they have "visitors", they love to play!

"Visitors" – our hands or objects found on the table.

Universe of Water Particles is an seven-metre tall virtual waterfall.



Light Ball Orchestra – Touch any ball to change the colour and sound of the balls around it, creating a resonating effect throughout this dazzling environment.

We can push, bounce and roll the balls to continuously change the composition, color and sound of the orchestra.

Crystal Universe – is created with teamLab’s Interactive 4-D Vision technology and more than 170,000 LED lights, giving the illusion of stars moving in space.



Did not take much photo for this as some of them are very 😨 I only interested in the babies section.

Transfigurations, consists of sculptures representing five babies, each with a surgically implemented body modification. Each modification is designed to solve a potential future problem for the baby, ranging from medical or environmental issues to social mobility issues.

* contain some disturbing images (sorry about it)

Thermal epidermiplasty – extending the skin on the scalp increase the surface area for faster heat dissipation. This child is able to withstand working in high temperature due to to high number of veins near the surface of the skin

Extension osteogenesis- to achieve rounder face for aerodynamic children, pins will be surgically implanted into the nasal bridge along with a cranial support brace. Tightening the pins will allow the one to be more firm up.

Podiaectomy – asthma can be prevented by removing The Central phalange. Leaving the soft fresh wound exposed for the potential hookworm ( reducing allergic reactions)

Bibuccalplasty – to expand the Cheek, the pin are embedded in the Cheek walls. The skin and muscle can be stretched over a period of 3 months for fast and efficient caffeine absorptions.

Epidermal Myostomy – a new orifice can be fashioned by extending the skin and thin muscle behind the ear which then be tightened and tucked to create a sphincter for slow absorbing area

Into the Wild

Tango, a cutting-edge technology by Google.

It transforms over 1000 square metres of ArtScience Museum into a virtual rainforest, which you can explore using a smartphone device


is an exhibition that explores the many facets of the snake motif that has embodied across time and space and how this versatile motif has inspired the world of jewels, arts, design, fashion, decorative arts and photography.






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